Monday, November 9, 2009

Lazy Sunday


Today we were able to sleep in a little.  The kids woke up and snuggled in bed with us watching spanish discoverykids, then off to breakfast.  And the meltdown began.  Yerly became upset because one of the waiters offered to help us carry her plate and he put some ham on her plate( that she did not want)  He took the plate over to the table and she was a little upset, but not much.  Until the coffee came.  Everyday, Diego and Yerly share putting half a packet of sugar in my coffee.  Today, mike did not have his coffee yet either…so I told Diego he could put sugar in Mike’s, who was still getting his food. Yerly took her packet snickering at Diego and dumped it in my cup with a very nasty look.  Diego clenched his fists and started grunting YA YA and then shouting Yerly dumped it and made a face at me.  He kept crying until our fav. waiter came over to take him for a walk…which he did.  But Yerly was still a little antsy and held the glass sugar bowl out over the tile floor, like she was going to drop it….then knocked over the salt and pepper shakers deliberately….so breakfast ended EARLY.    We went up to the room, had a long talk and after much resistance…both tearfully and sincerely said they were sorry.  

We spent the afternoon at the pool once the sun came out.  Mike played a new game with Diego and Yerly where he was “El Toro Dormiendo” (the sleeping bull)where he would pretend he was asleep and they would sneak up and climb on his back and then Mike would turn into a raging mad bull bucking them off and chased them out of his bullpen (kiddie pool) bumping them with his head…

We took a taxi to the mall (note: don’t think I would own a car here – taxi is so cheap $5.00 round trip) where we walked around and saw the mall decorated for Christmas.   We stopped and the kids had their first McDonalds french fries with a hot fudge sundae in the food court

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By the way – if we’ve never talked about this mall it is really amazing.  Three stories with bridges connecting two halves of the mall…it is a huge circle with the middle open air and a complete kiddie fairground with open views to the mountain and city.  Probably the nicest mall we have been to…IMG_0096

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We returned to the hotel and ate supper at the outdoor restaurant.  The little bugs only wanted french fries.  Mike played the Grandpa Rothwell “look at that” and steal your fires while not looking game – It took Diego about 6 times to catch on and then Yerly about 2 more – they laughed so hard and then started to play the game in reverse with us telling us to look away and suddenly two french fries would appear on our plate.

We walked around the hotel and then got ready for bed.  Bedtime tonight was VERY interesting.  After singing some nighttime songs to them  we started to pray for them and Yerly stopped us and wanted to pray.  It was really amazing to hear her pray.  This lead into a great discussion about faith and we are blown away with their knowledge of Christ's death, burial and resurrection and that he is in heaven and will return. Part of the discussion got an AMEN-AMEN from Tristin and I when Yerly said “Solomente Cristo salvas – SOL-A-MEN-TE Cristo” (only Jesus saves – only Jesus) The bugs fell asleep better tonight then any night so far…IMG_0095

Tomorrow – we go to court to finalize the adoption – HIP HIP HOORAY!!!

1 comment:

  1. Ah, the joys of parenting! We'll keep praying for you! :) Tammy B.


About Me

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Mike and Tristin and our children Olivia 17 yrs* Gretta 15 yrs* Ella 13 yrs* Dayne 11 yrs* Diego 7 yrs* Yerly 6 yrs* BABY Jude born Sept.24. 2010 ********we began this blog... **Joyfully waiting for 2 siblings from Medellin, Colombia. September 10,2009 we found out their names are Diego and Yerly They became Diego and Yerly Rothwell on October 28,2009